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Stay wider of the rider logo

Close passing is intimidating, dangerous and in the worst cases life threatening for cyclists. Sign the petition, pin point close pass locations, and get a free sticker today.

Campaign News

Advice for<br>Drivers

Advice for

  • When overtaking a cyclist the Highway Code says to leave as much space as you would when passing a car.
  • At 30mph we advise 1.5metres is the minimum safe distance.
  • At faster speeds allow 2 metres.
  • In slow moving urban traffic (below 20 mph), never overtake cyclists unless you can leave at least 1 metre.
  • If there’s not enough space to pass safely, travel behind the cyclist until space becomes available.



Continental Tyres and LCC

The Brownlee brothers show you that not everyone should be this close...

Must Get
In Front

Close Pass Example 1: Cycling near the Southbank in November 2017

Get your stickers

To get a free Stay Wider sticker for your Car or Bike please click on the button below. (stickers are free but we ask that you make a small a donation to cover the cost postage)